A Worthy Craving

Older women likewise are to be reverent in their behavior, not malicious gossips nor enslaved to much wine, teaching what is good, so that they may encourage the young women to love their husbands, to love their children, to be sensible, pure, workers at home, kind, being subject to their own husbands, so that the word of God will not be dishonored (Titus 2:3-5, NASB).


I crave time with older women. Whether they are one year older than I, or fifty, I am hungry for time with them. This craving is spiritually innate. Titus 2:3-5 instructs older women to mentor the younger, to set a godly example for the next generation. So it makes sense that as a younger woman, I desire the influence of my female elders.

In our busy culture, making time for mentorship is not a priority. We all have our “to do” lists, demanding responsibilities, and personal needs. Giving of ourselves more than is required can easily feel more like an obligation than a blessing. Thus, many of us avoid the call and deny the instruction. In effect, we go on stressed out in our personal bubbles, completely unaware of the blessing meant for us when we obey.

I should give my time and attention to many girls younger than I. It’s convicting to take my eyes off myself and realize I’ve made them my last priority. If I crave mentorship from older godly women, why do I assume women younger than I do not crave the same from women like me? Sure, I can make excuses: “I’m not godly enough. I don’t know enough. I’ve never been in that situation. If I had time. . . .”

But Titus 2:3-5 mentions no excuses. Paul did not say, “Now, older women, once you have gone a whole year without sinning and mastered life, then you are to reach out to only the younger women you relate to the most.”

If the members of Christ’s body had to wait until they were perfect in and of themselves, they would never be ready to glorify their Head. The body of Christ is perfect because Christ is perfect. I am liberated from the chains of sin and death because Christ liberated me. He is perfect and I am His. Nothing in life is about me without being about Him first. I am to point others to Christ. The instruction in His Word is intended to be accomplished through us but by and for Him. Obedience always begins with surrender and ends with unmatchable blessing.

Mentorship does not have to be difficult. It’s simply opening your door and heart to another person and humbly confessing, “I have surrendered every aspect of my life to Christ, and He is continually working on me to set me apart for Himself. You’re welcome to watch, learn, and ask questions. Learn from me, allow me to learn from you, and we’ll learn together. But please, keep your eyes on Christ and encourage me to do the same, because He is our ultimate Teacher.”

I long for the guidance of older godly women. I want to learn how to be a more selfless wife, how to more efficiently keep my home, how to someday be a mommy, how to be an efficient employee, and how to keep Christ first when juggling all of the above. I want to know I am not the only woman to encounter struggles or ask questions.

There is a certain community I crave — to know I am not alone. We are a church, a family who will spend eternity together praising our Creator. I hunger for that experience to begin now as I am both mentored by the older and mentoring the younger. Titus 2:3-5 is a call on women to increase the kingdom — definitely a worthy craving.

The Baptized Life Good News!

Written By

Born and raised in Lodi, California, Caitlin now resides in west Michigan with her (amazingly supportive) husband Adam, their sons Hudson (3 yrs old) and Declan (1 year old), and their rambunctious chiweenie, Stella. Caitlin earned her Bachelor of Science in Communication in 2011. Writing reflective pieces on life and faith has been her outlet since her teens. While thoroughly enjoying mommyhood, Caitlin has the privilege of working from home as the Communications Coordinator of Artios Christian College. Through every unexpected twist and turn of her life, Christ has been her constant stronghold as she lives every day with hope and expectancy of His awesome guidance!

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