2023 Bible Advocate Theme: “Come and See”
I am excited to announce a new theme for the Bible Advocate in 2023.
Jesus invited would-be disciples to “come and see” (John 1:39). He still bids us to “come and see” today. But when we follow after Jesus, what is revealed? What do we see and experience? The BA dedicates our year to asking and answering this wonderful question. Come and see!
The six 2023 issues of the Bible Advocate will progressively delve deep to understand what Jesus wants to show us when we follow Him. Once we come and see, we encounter God in His holiness and are confronted with our sinfulness. He is life, but we are lost. We see in part, but there is more. God is love. And the fullness of His grace and truth is seen in Jesus Christ, the salvation of God.
How do we respond to such a great and good God as this? Come and see! Repent and believe. Trust and turn from sin and death to Jesus, our Savior and Lord. See and serve God and neighbor in newness of life through the Holy Spirit. Come and see! God is at work saving and sanctifying. We follow to the end and see our final destination with Him forever.
That is the story. That is what we learn and experience and hope for as we follow Jesus. Come and see for yourself. Join the Bible Advocate as we see our God and ourselves, together. Help us tell the wonderful story. Review subthemes, deadlines, and topic tips below.
Send your article submissions to jason.overman@cog7.org.
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2023 BA Themes-Flyer
January-February: Wonder and Worship
Come and See God’s Holiness (Isaiah 6; Revelation 4)
Write about God: attributes, acts, names, promises, etc.
Submission deadline: October 14, 2022
March-April: Unclean and Undone
Come and See Humanity’s Fate (Isaiah 1; Romans 3)
Write about man: rebellion, fall, death, judgment, etc.
Submission deadline: December 16, 2022
May-June: Light and Lamb
Come and See God’s Love in Christ (John 1; Romans 5)
Write about Jesus: who He is and what He has done, etc.
Submission deadline: February 13, 2023
July-August: Repent and Believe
Come and See Your New Start in Christ (Matthew 3; Mark 1)
Write about our response: faith, call, confession, new birth, etc.
Submission deadline: April 14, 2023
September-October: Salvation and Service
Come and See Your New Life in Christ (Galatians 6; 2 Corinthians 5)
Write about discipleship: purpose, sanctification, good works, etc.
Submission deadline: June 15, 2023
November-December: Life and Glory
Come and See Your Future in Christ (1 Thessalonians 4; Revelation 21)
Write about our destiny: resurrection, kingdom, rewards, eternity, etc.
Submission deadline: August 15, 2023
Send your article submissions to jason.overman@cog7.org.
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2023 BA Themes-Flyer