
12 Ways to Reduce Your Leadership Impact

Reading Time: 4 minutes  My intention is to become a vibrant leader as a vibrant member of a vibrant church….

Resonant Leadership: 6 Tips for the Extroverted Leader

Reading Time: 5 minutesOur culture is obsessed with extroverts. These friendly, sociable, outgoing people are idealized in the morning news, our social…

Quiet Influence: 6 Tips for the Introverted Leader

Reading Time: 6 minutesHi, my name is Mary, and I am an introvert. I am also a leader. If you had asked me…

Myths of Personality and Leadership

Reading Time: 6 minutesOur lives are profoundly shaped by personality. It is the driving force behind our habits, social interactions, and inner…

How to Set SMARTER Goals for the New Year

Reading Time: 6 minutesIt’s that time of year again. A time when many of your friends and family talk about the resolutions…

Lead Up’s Top Posts of 2018: Everyday Christians Embracing Leadership

Reading Time: 4 minutesIt’s hard to believe that 2018 is coming to a close. Lead Up has explored a wide range of…

The Power of #ServantLeadership

Reading Time: 2 minutesIn our click-bait world of tips, tricks, and top-ten lists, #servantleadership is one aspect of leadership that often gets…

The Leadership Conversation: Why Should We Study Culture?

Reading Time: 3 minutesCulture is complex. Not only does the term encompass everything that makes up a unique society, but culture is…

waiting for a train

Our Collective Image-Bearing Mission: Do You Accept?

Reading Time: 4 minutes“What is your calling?” If we were visiting over tea, what would your gut response be? Would you…

The Leadership Conversation: Why Should We Care About Culture?

Reading Time: 3 minutesIf you’ve heard it once, you’ve heard it a thousand times: we are in the world, but not of…