
bible study

Leadership Essentials: Character and Spiritual Leadership

Reading Time: 4 minutesCan you imagine a church leader who lacks personal character? Who gossips, who lies, or who cannot be trusted…

walking on railroad tracks

Leadership Essentials: Christ-Centered Character

Reading Time: 4 minutesWe all remember the childhood game Follow the Leader. Whatever the leader does, you do. Wherever the leader goes,…


Leadership Essentials: Inside Artios Christian College

Reading Time: 2 minutesThere are essentials to every recipe that lay the foundation for the dish. While some ingredients can easily be…


How to Avoid Small Talk (And Why You Should)

Reading Time: 4 minutesDoes anyone really like small talk? “Hi! How are you?” “I’m well, thanks! How are you?” “I’m good!” And with that,…

girl working on a computer

How a Debt-Free Grad Did College the Proverbs 22:7 Way

Reading Time: 6 minutesProverbs 22:7 encourages debt-free living. The rich rules over the poor, and the borrower is the slave of the lender.” But…

college grad with confetti

Student Loan Debt is Not an Exception to the Biblical Rule

Reading Time: 5 minutesStudent loan debt is often deemed the “good kind” of debt. It’s referred to as an investment in the…

jars of coins

Why Stewardship is Relevant for 21st Century Christians

Reading Time: 4 minutesDo you ever think about how rich you are? In our “Subscribe & Save”, free 2-day shipping world of…

sleeping baby

Serving Jesus Even When Your Eyes Reflect Poop

Reading Time: 5 minutesIs this what I’m destined to become? Recoiling with disgust at the abject prospect, I now eyed these women with…

doing laundry

How to Fold Laundry… As Unto Jesus

Reading Time: 4 minutesI just abandoned my laundry basket. It’s over half-full of warm, clean clothes. The rest are folded on the…

person jumping

Re-Created to Meet a Need: Knowing When to Jump In

Reading Time: 4 minutesI like when I can meet another person’s need. This, of course, is not a personality trait unique to…