
kids in church

It’s Not Okay for Kids to be Bored in Church

Reading Time: 5 minutesI baptized my three oldest kids in 2015. It’s incredible to watch them worship together with the local body…

5 Simple Ways to Increase Sabbath School Attendance

Reading Time: 3 minutesMost Sabbath School teachers share a common frustration: low attendance. They feel like their congregation would benefit from

Is Relational Leadership That Big of a Deal?

Reading Time: 4 minutesStanding in my next class’ doorway to hide from the wind, I first interacted with someone who would leave…

The Leadership Conversation: Positional vs Relational Leadership

Reading Time: 3 minutesWhat kind of individual do you picture when you hear the word “leader”? Do you think of well-dressed men…

Do You Acknowledge Your Weaknesses?

Reading Time: 4 minutesA top question job interviewers ask candidates is two-fold: First, what are your strengths? Second, what are your weaknesses?…

The Leadership Conversation: What is a Leader?

Reading Time: 2 minutesDo you identify as a leader? If you had asked me this question three years ago I would have called…

Leadership Essentials: The Next Generation Leader

Reading Time: 6 minutesHave you ever read seven books in just five weeks? Some of you avid readers out there are saying…

Leadership Essentials: Embrace Contentment

Reading Time: 4 minutesAccording to Webster’s Dictionary the definition of content (adjective) is “satisfied with what one is…

looking through a view finder

Leadership Essentials: Clarity of Vision

Reading Time: 4 minutesIn 1966, Star Trek first aired on television. It featured gadgets such as the communicator,…

Leadership Essentials: Communication and Clarity

Reading Time: 5 minutesOne of the most practical qualities of a leader is his or her ability to effectively communicate. Effective…