Whaid Rose

Leadership in Times of Crisis

Reading Time: 4 minutesOn December 15, 1967, the Silver Bridge at Point Pleasant, West Virginia, collapsed, plunging many to their death. Investigation…

When Hope is All We Have

Reading Time: 4 minutesRecently while I was reading Psalm 42, verse 4 took on new meaning for me. It reads: These things I…

football player praying

It’s All About Equipping!

Reading Time: 4 minutesGod designed the Church to remain alive and vibrant despite the passing of time and amidst our rapidly changing…

Man on hill viewing city

Moving From Success to Significance: A Compelling Strategy for Maximizing Life’s Second Half

Reading Time: 4 minutesWhen I turned 50 I took time off to read a book which had been on my reading list…

You Need a Coach

Reading Time: 4 minutesTo say that coaching is trending these days would be an understatement. Once exclusively related to sports, this term…