Writing For the Bible Advocate

Thanks for considering writing with us for the sake of the grace and truth of Christ. The BA appreciates your prayers, support, and contributions. Please review our Writer’s Guidelines and feel free to contact us with questions or ideas at bibleadvocate@cog7.org.

Writer’s Guidelines

On publication, Bible Advocate Press pays an honorarium of $25 per published page, up to $65. Poetry
and fillers pay $20. The editorial staff welcomes inquiries on writing good articles: selecting topics, developing ideas, overcoming roadblocks, etc. To find out more about what we are looking for in submissions, please review our writer’s guidelines.

2025 Bible Advocate Theme:

“Kingdom People”

“But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness.”

Key Verses: Matthew 6:33; 13:38; 1 Peter 2:9-12; Philippians 2:12-16

What do kingdom people look like, and how do they relate to, and interact with, the kingdoms of this world? This year, we will examine six kingdom dispositions that set us apart from the world, yet for the world. These core characteristics are essential to us because they’re found in and flow from the very character and person of King Jesus. They should define His followers as well.

Join us on our journey to understand what it means to be children of the King in the world today. Send your article submissions to bibleadvocate@cog7.org. Please be sure to read our writer’s guidelines at baonline.org (About/Write For Us) before you submit.

2025 Bible Advocate Issues and Deadlines PDF:

January-February: Kingdom Humility
confession, repentance, poor in spirit, meek, lowly
Jesus: Matthew 11:29 / Disciples: Matthew 5:1-5; 18:3, 4
Submission deadline: October 1, 2024

March-April: Kingdom Service
the call, following, available, engaged, alert, work
Jesus: Luke 22:24-27 / Disciples: John 12:26; Luke 16:13
Submission deadline: December 2, 2024

May-June: Kingdom Mercy
good news, forgiveness, freedom, healing, change
Jesus: Matthew 9:13, 27; 12:7 / Disciples: Matthew 5:7; Luke 10:37
Submission deadline: February 3, 2025

July-August: Kingdom Wisdom
truth, teaching, discerning, decisions, trying the spirits
Jesus: Mark 6:2; Luke 2:52 / Disciples: Matthew 7:24; 10:16; 25:1-4
Submission deadline: April 1, 2025

September-October: Kingdom Patience
enduring, conviction, courage, hope in trials, peace
Jesus: Mark 14:60-62; 15:3-5 / Disciples: Luke 8:15; 21:19
Submission deadline: June 2, 2025

November-December: Kingdom Faithfulness
carrying the cross, obeying, trusting, “Thy will”
Jesus: Luke 22:42; John 5:19 / Disciples: Mark 8:34; Matthew 25:21-23
Submission deadline: August 1, 2025