{"id":7052,"date":"2018-03-05T04:00:29","date_gmt":"2018-03-05T04:00:29","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/artiosmagazine.org\/?p=5278"},"modified":"2023-08-29T11:22:21","modified_gmt":"2023-08-29T17:22:21","slug":"baptism-debates-part-1","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/baonline.cog7engage.net\/baptism-debates-part-1\/","title":{"rendered":"Baptism Debates: Worthwhile Questions to Consider – Part 1"},"content":{"rendered":"
Water baptism has been consistently practiced by the Church throughout the entire history of the Christian faith. It is practiced by the vast majority of those who call themselves Christians\u2014whether Protestant, Roman Catholic, or Eastern Orthodox. However, the method, subject, formulas, agent, effect and meaning of baptism have been issues of debate throughout Christian history, particularly since the time of the Protestant Reformation.[ref]Stanley J. Grenz, Theology For the Community of God<\/em> (Grand Rapids: Eerdman\u2019s Publishing, 1994), 520.[\/ref]<\/p>\n Who may be baptized? Believers only, or infants as well? Who may baptize? Clergy or laity? What does baptism effect, that is, is it salvific or symbolic? Should the one being baptized have water sprinkled or poured on them, or should they be immersed? Is baptism properly understood as a sacrament, conveying grace to the participant, or as an ordinance, in obedience to the command of Christ? And finally, what does baptism mean? Is it a picture of washing and purification from the taint of sin, forgiveness of sins and new birth, promise of the Holy Spirit, participation in Christ\u2019s death, burial and resurrection, a covenant sign, or an initiation into Christ\u2019s Body, the Church?[ref]For a brief synopsis of each of these approaches to the meaning of baptism see Grenz, 522.[\/ref]<\/p>\n If one seeks to understand or explain what baptism means<\/em> they find themselves perplexed by a host of other questions that influence\u2014to varying degrees\u2014their answer to the question. In this two-part series we will examine the primary proposed meanings of baptism and how the questions regarding method, subject, and effect of baptism influence our understanding of those meanings.<\/p>\n There are six primary explanations that have been proposed for what is meant when we as Christians baptize. This article will explore three of these explanations; a picture of washing and purification from the taint of sin, forgiveness of sins and new birth, and the promise of the Holy Spirit. In part two we will examine: participation in Christ\u2019s death, burial and resurrection, a covenant sign, and an initiation into Christ\u2019s Body, the Church.[ref]Similarly the WCC Commission on Faith and Order, \u201cBaptism, Eucharist and Ministry\u201d describes the meaning of baptism under five headings; Participation in Christ\u2019s Death and Resurrection; Conversion, Pardoning and Cleansing; The Gift of the Spirit; Incorporation into the Body of Christ; and The Sign of the Kingdom. As listed in Charles Davis, \u201cToday\u2019s Culture and the Meaning of Baptism,\u201d Ecumenical Review <\/em>39.2, April, 1987: 163-172.\u00a0 Database online: ATLA Serials [25 July 2006], 163.[\/ref] Perhaps due to the fact that each of these appears to have a biblical basis, Christians across a wide denominational spectrum would likely claim that baptism in fact means many or all of these things to varying degrees.<\/p>\n However, as we will see, there is an interrelation between these meanings and the methods, agents, and effects of baptism that would make some of these meanings difficult to reconcile with the various views held by Christians.[ref]T.M. Lindsay, \u201cBaptism<\/em>,\u201d in The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia<\/em>, vol. 1: A-D, ed. Geoffrey W. Bromiley (Grand Rapids: Eerdman\u2019s Publishing, 1979), 422-423.[\/ref] It is outside the scope of this article\u2014and the abilities of its author!\u2014to propose solutions to these various issues. Thus we will not seek to defend or refute the variety of views that are put forth, leaving that work to others who are more qualified. Rather we will propose questions to stimulate the reader toward further study and a more integrated approach to their personal understanding of baptism.<\/p>\n Some of the biblical texts that have been used to support the view that baptism is a picture and\/or agent of washing and purification from sins are Acts 22:16, 1 Corinthians 6:11, Titus 3:4-6, and Hebrews 10:22. In a sacramental view (in which the thing itself conveys grace) the act of baptism would actually cleanse a person from the tainting effect of sins. If viewed as an ordinance, baptism would be understood to symbolize the washing and purification that has already been effected within the believer by the Holy Spirit.<\/p>\n It has been argued that the method of pouring\u2014rather than immersion or sprinkling\u2014best expresses this reality of baptism as a washing or purification.[ref]Herbert Lockyer, Sr. ed., Nelson\u2019s Illustrated Bible Dictionary<\/em>, s.v. \u201cBaptism,\u201d (Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 1986), 134.[\/ref] One might picture the benefit of a shower over a bath\u2014to say nothing of a little sprinkle!\u2014to remove a large amount of grime and filth from the body.[ref]\u201cAmong other things, baptism by pouring speaks eloquently of the cleansing we receive by the \u2018washing of regeneration and the renewal of the Holy Spirit\u2019\u2026\u201d Abram G. Konrad, \u201cBaptism: Method or Meaning?,\u201d Direction <\/em>14.1, Spring 1985: 6-9.\u00a0 Database online: ATLA Serials [24 July 2006], 7.[\/ref] If pouring is indeed a valid definition of the Greek baptizo<\/em>[ref]This question has been heavily debated.[\/ref] then might pouring be a suitable, or even preferred, method for baptism? There seems to be Old Testament evidence to support the notion of ritual cleansing by pouring (Exodus 40:12-15; Leviticus 16:4, 24; Isaiah 1:16-17; Jeremiah 4:14; Ezekiel 36:25) and baptism is, in essence, a ritual cleansing.[ref]The Jewish system of ablutions, John\u2019s baptism and the Qumran community are inter-testamental and early New Testament examples of washings that belong to the same tradition as the Old Testament ablutions. Compare Jerome H. Neyrey, \u201cBaptism<\/em>,\u201d in Harper\u2019s Bible Dictionary<\/em>, ed. Paul J. Achtemeier (San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1985), 92.[\/ref]<\/p>\n Finally, and most importantly, do we as Christians recognize the benefit of baptism as a cleansing and washing from sins, either symbolically or actually? Do our traditions prohibit us from viewing baptism as such because we are locked into too rigid an understanding to allow for anything other than initiation into Christ\u2019s body, or a symbol of sharing in Christ\u2019s death, burial and resurrection, or one of the other meanings?<\/p>\n [bctt tweet=”Do we as Christians recognize the benefit of baptism as a cleansing & washing from sins? – Israel Steinmetz”]<\/p>\n Closely related, but distinct, from the idea of baptism as a cleansing from the taint of sin, is the notion that in baptism forgiveness of sins and new birth are either affected and\/or pictured. The primary passages that are quoted to demonstrate the relationship between baptism and forgiveness from sins are Mark 16:16,[ref]It should be noted that due to the questionable nature of Mark 16:9-20 few theologians would argue from this verse. Dau\u2019s contention that the passage \u201ccontains nothing that is contrary to the doctrine of Scripture in other places on the same subject,\u201d W.T.H. Dau, \u201cBaptism<\/em>,\u201d in The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia<\/em>, vol. 1: A-D, ed. Geoffrey W. Bromiley (Grand Rapids: Eerdman\u2019s Publishing, 1979), 425, might be challenged in regard to Mark 16:16 (which seems to suggest that baptism is necessary for salvation) by those who deny baptismal regeneration.[\/ref] Acts 2:38, and 1 Corinthians 6:11. Perhaps the most popular verse used in this regard is John 3:3-5 which reads,<\/p>\n Jesus answered him [Nicodemus], \u2018Very truly, I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God without being born from above.\u2019\u2026\u2018Very truly, I tell you, no one can enter the kingdom of God without being born of water and Spirit.\u201d[ref]All Scripture quotations taken from the NRSV.[\/ref]<\/p><\/blockquote>\n This verse is generally used to support the idea of the new birth occurring in\u2014or being symbolized by\u2014baptism[ref]Although Leon Morris argues that the \u201cwater\u201d spoken of in this verse should not be understood as baptism.\u00a0 See Leon Morris, The Gospel according to John<\/em>, The New International Commentary on the New Testament, ed., Ned B. Stonehouse, F.F. Bruce, and Gordon D. Fee (Grand Rapids: Eerdman\u2019s Publishing, 1995),190-194. He is not alone in this appraisal. See G.W. Bromiley, \u201cBaptism<\/em>,\u201d in The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia<\/em>, vol. 1: A-D, ed. Geoffrey W. Bromiley (Grand Rapids: Eerdman\u2019s Publishing, 1979), 412 for a discussion of the different approaches to interpreting \u201cwater\u201d in John 3:5.[\/ref], while there are other verses used to support the notion (compare Acts 22:16; Ephesians 5:26; Hebrews 10:22; 1 Peter 3:21-22). Contained in these verses is the idea that a \u201csprinkling\u201d occurs to wash us of our sins.[ref]See also Hebrews 9:13-14; 1 Peter 1:2. There is dependence upon the Old Testament tradition for sprinkling as well (e.g. Exodus 29:21; Leviticus 4:5, 14:16; Numbers 8:7).[\/ref] Thus these verses have often been used by those who sprinkle to support their method, as well as the notion that a sprinkled infant is released from the guilt of original sin and has a change of disposition toward God affected through the sprinkled waters of baptism.<\/p>\n Laying aside the controversial issue of infant baptism let us simply consider the validity of sprinkling. For those who embrace the view that baptism is a symbol and nothing more, would not sprinkling be a more fitting symbol than pouring or immersion to demonstrate the spiritual realities of having our \u201chearts sprinkled clean from an evil conscience,\u201d (Hebrews 10:22)?[ref]However, one could argue from this verse that while the heart is sprinkled, the body is to be \u201cwashed with pure water.\u201d[\/ref] The last question dealt with method, the next with the question of whether baptism should be considered a sacrament or an ordinance. These verses would indicate that baptism is no mere symbol, that it is in fact something more than an outward, physical sign. Indeed, they seem to speak to the necessity and agency of baptism for salvation itself. For those with a strictly ordinance based view can these verses be explained without doing violence to the biblical text and context? Or, more pointedly, can there be any explanation for Peter\u2019s statement that, \u201c\u2026baptism, which this prefigured, now saves you,\u201d (1 Peter 3:21a) if baptism is nothing more than an outward, physical symbol?[ref]See Peter H. Davids, The first epistle of Peter<\/em>, The New International Commentary on the New Testament, ed., Ned B. Stonehouse, F.F. Bruce, and Gordon D. Fee (Grand Rapids: Eerdman\u2019s Publishing, 1990), 144-145 for a helpful exegesis of the verse.[\/ref]<\/p>\n Passages that have been used to develop the idea that water baptism is a seal or promise of the Holy Spirit include Acts 2:38, 8:17-9, 1 Corinthians 12:13, and Titus 3:5.\u00a0 Regardless of the individual interpretations of these verses it seems clear that we are to understand that there is a close and intimate connection between the act of water baptism and the reception of the Holy Spirit. Regarding methodology one might ask which of the three methods\u2014sprinkling, pouring, immersion\u2014best conveys the notion that the Spirit is promised? Some who prefer pouring would suggest that because the Spirit is going to be poured out on the one who is baptized (cf. Acts 2:1-2, 38) it is fitting to prepare for the event by pouring water on them first.[ref]Lockyer, 134.\u00a0 Konrad also writes, \u201c\u2026pouring also signifies the outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon believers,\u201d (Konrad, 7).[\/ref]<\/p>\n Now let us turn towards questions regarding the relation of the Spirit to baptism. How well do our various pnuematologies<\/em> adapt themselves to the understanding of the Holy Spirit\u2019s work in the believer in relation to baptism that is expressed in these verses? What expectation of the Spirit\u2019s action should an individual have when they are baptized? Can the view of baptismal regeneration be reconciled with the notion that baptism bears with it a future promise of the Spirit? Finally, how are we to describe the Spirit\u2019s work in the individual before, during and after water baptism in light of these verses? Do our baptisms and doctrines concerning baptism address these issues or is the Spirit\u2019s work ignored?<\/p>\n [bctt tweet=”What expectation of the Spirit’s action should one have when baptized? – Israel Steinmetz”]<\/p>\n It has been our intent to provide the reader with stimulating questions that cause them to reevaluate their understanding of baptism in order to aid them in a process of integrating the fullness of biblical teaching on the subject into their baptismal paradigm. The questions presented herein do not have easy or simple answers for the one who is thoughtful and humble enough to read across a wide spectrum of understanding on the subject.[ref]As an introduction to the issues I recommend the excellent article on baptism in\u00a0The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia<\/em>, vol. 1: A-D, ed. Geoffrey W. Bromiley (Grand Rapids: Eerdman\u2019s Publishing, 1979), 410-425 which presents the biblical data on baptism and then the interpretation of it from Baptist, Reformed and Lutheran perspectives.[\/ref] However, by exposing ourselves to the understanding of baptism held by others within the Christian faith community we can come to a fuller appreciation of all that baptism means.<\/p>\n PDF Original Version\u00a0<\/a><\/p>\n As followers of Christ who have been re-created to lead in our daily spheres of influence, it is important that we take time to reflect on the biblical foundation behind our doctrines and beliefs. And as Israel stated in this article, exposing ourselves to how others in the Christian faith understand baptism will lead us to a fuller appreciation of all that baptism means. You can also become better equipped in your daily influence for Christ by taking advantage of the following resources:<\/em><\/p>\n <\/a> <\/a><\/p>\n","protected":false},"excerpt":{"rendered":" Water baptism has been consistently practiced by the Church throughout the entire history of the Christian faith. It is practiced by the vast majority of those who call themselves Christians\u2014whether Protestant, Roman Catholic, or Eastern Orthodox. However, the method, subject, formulas, agent, effect and meaning of baptism have been issues of debate throughout Christian history, […]<\/p>\n","protected":false},"author":240,"featured_media":5383,"comment_status":"closed","ping_status":"closed","sticky":false,"template":"","format":"standard","meta":{"sync_status":"","episode_type":"","audio_file":"","castos_file_data":"","podmotor_file_id":"","cover_image":"","cover_image_id":"","duration":"","filesize":"","filesize_raw":"","date_recorded":"","explicit":"","block":"","footnotes":""},"categories":[73,560],"tags":[311,95,312,145,314,313],"yoast_head":"\nSix Proposed Meanings<\/h3>\n
1. Washing & Purification<\/h4>\n
2. Forgiveness of Sins & New Birth<\/h4>\n
3. Promise of the Holy Spirit<\/h4>\n
Looking Ahead<\/a><\/h3>\n