{"id":3849,"date":"2017-03-06T04:00:01","date_gmt":"2017-03-06T04:00:01","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/artiosmagazine.org\/?p=3849"},"modified":"2023-08-29T11:21:03","modified_gmt":"2023-08-29T17:21:03","slug":"communicate-christ","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/baonline.cog7engage.net\/communicate-christ\/","title":{"rendered":"3 Keys to Communicating Christ"},"content":{"rendered":"

Do you communicate with someone at least once a day? If so, you\u00a0are\u00a0<\/em>a communicator.<\/p>\n

Are you a follower of Christ? If so, you\u00a0are\u00a0<\/em>a leader.<\/p>\n

You\u00a0are\u00a0<\/em>a leader<\/a> because you were created and re-created to lead.<\/p>\n

You\u00a0are\u00a0<\/em>a communicator<\/a> because, well, we are all communicators.<\/p>\n

Every day you send and receive messages with those around you – your family, co-workers, neighbors, friends, and even strangers. In other words, you communicate.<\/p>\n

Unless you opt for the hermit life, communication is unavoidable.<\/p>\n

[bctt tweet=”Through your communication, you lead others to a conclusion about your life. – Caitlin Meadows”]<\/p>\n

Through your various communications with those around you, you are leading each person to a conclusion about your life.<\/p>\n

So, as an influential Christian communicator, the questions to ask yourself are:<\/p>\n

1.) What is the underlying message I wish to communicate through my life?<\/p>\n


2.) To what or to Whom do I want my life to point others?<\/p>\n

If your answer to both questions is the gospel of Jesus Christ and His Kingdom, there are three necessary components worth noting to accomplish intentionality and awareness in our daily communications.<\/p>\n

To effectively communicate Christ we must:<\/h3>\n

1. Embrace Humility<\/h3>\n

For we all stumble in many ways. And if anyone does not stumble in what he says, he is a perfect man, able also to bridle his whole body.” – James 3:2<\/p><\/blockquote>\n

James 3 doesn’t beat around the bush about the most basic form of communication every human practices – our speech. Wouldn’t it be amazing to never put your foot in your mouth? To never accidentally\u00a0speak before thinking? Or to never speak out in anger?<\/p>\n

According to James 3:2, we’re all prone to “stumble” through our speech. This is an indicator that we are flawed. But what is it really getting at?<\/p>\n

Jesus, holding the Pharisees accountable for their hypocrisy, crushed their legalistic self-justification with this truth:<\/p>\n

“How can you speak good when you are evil? For out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks.”<\/em> – Matthew 12:34<\/p>\n

In James 3, the author is addressing our spoken words but, like Jesus with the Pharisees, he’s actually addressing the state of our hearts.<\/p>\n

If our hearts are pure, our speech will reflect purity.<\/p>\n

Because we are all prone to sinning through our speech, we need self-awareness to recognize our givenness to sin and to take steps toward humbling ourselves before Christ.<\/p>\n

We can start with humbling prayers like those found throughout the Psalms:<\/p>\n