{"id":31095,"date":"2024-02-22T14:39:16","date_gmt":"2024-02-22T21:39:16","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/baonline.cog7engage.net\/?p=31095"},"modified":"2024-02-22T14:39:16","modified_gmt":"2024-02-22T21:39:16","slug":"stewardship-accountability-and-administration","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/baonline.cog7engage.net\/stewardship-accountability-and-administration\/","title":{"rendered":"Stewardship, Accountability and Administration"},"content":{"rendered":"

Few words inspire yawns faster than \u201cadministration<\/a>.\u201d Immediately, images of forms to be filled out and bureaucratic hurdles to be leaped come to mind. Yet we all agree with the Biblical principles of good stewardship<\/a> and accountability<\/a>. So, let\u2019s consider for a moment how Church Administration<\/a> helps us be good, accountable stewards.<\/p>\n

[bctt tweet=”Church Administration helps us be good, accountable stewards. \u2013 Loren Gjesdal” via=”no”]<\/p>\n

First, a definition. A steward is someone who has been entrusted to oversee another\u2019s resources. Good stewardship then is the productive use of those resources in accomplishing the owner\u2019s objectives. Two parables Jesus told will help us think about our role as stewards in His present kingdom.<\/p>\n

Stewardship in the Parable of the Talents<\/h3>\n

The first is the familiar Parable of the Talents. You remember that Jesus described a wealthy individual as going away on a journey and leaving 5 talents, 2 talents, and 1 talent, respectively, with 3 servants. The first two servants are commended for making productive use of the master\u2019s resources while he was away and were granted the reward of the master\u2019s favor.<\/p>\n

Importantly, the most productive servant received the additional use of the unproductive servant\u2019s talent (Matthew 25:14-30).<\/p>\n

Administration of the Landowner\u2019s Household<\/h3>\n

The second parable is maybe less familiar, but no less important for us to consider. Jesus again describes a landowner who goes on a journey and entrusts the care of his household to his servants.\u00a0 He then asks this question:<\/p>\n

“Who then is the faithful and sensible slave whom his master put in charge of his household to give them their food at the proper time?\u201d (Matthew 24:45)<\/p>\n

In other words, Jesus asks us to think as if we were the landowner. Who would we entrust with the oversight of the household upon return? The one who is found already taking care of the needs of the household in his absence is the answer.<\/p>\n

“Blessed is that slave whom his master finds so doing when he comes.\u00a0Truly I say to you that he will put him in charge of all his possessions\u201d\u00a0(Matthew 24:45-47).<\/p>\n

Stewards of His Resources<\/h3>\n

A couple of points of application should be obvious. The Church of God is Jesus\u2019 Body, His Household of Faith. The Church has been entrusted with a number of resources, including physical property, money, but most importantly people and their abilities, as well as the Gospel itself. Our master is physically absent, but we have the promise of His return.<\/p>\n

So, the question we should be asking today as stewards of His resources is, \u201cAre we making productive use of His resources until He returns?\u201d<\/p>\n

Accountability to Jesus<\/h3>\n

The second point of application should especially catch our attention. We are accountable<\/a> to Jesus for the use of all these resources. This means that our books will be examined, our expenditures scrutinized, our activities evaluated, with this specific question in mind, \u201cDid we use what He has entrusted to us to accomplish His objectives?\u201d<\/p>\n

Church Administration<\/a> ideally should not be an impediment to fruitful ministry, but rather processes and safeguards that assist us to be good stewards, ready to receive Jesus\u2019 commendation when He audits our books and ministries.<\/p>\n

Policies and reporting requirements are designed to ensure that Jesus\u2019 resources are used for His objectives and not for anyone\u2019s personal gain. By ensuring compliance with state and IRS guidelines, good policies protect the reputation of Jesus\u2019 Church while maximizing the use of His resources for ministry purposes (rather than payment to taxes, penalties, fines, etc.).<\/p>\n

[bctt tweet=”Church administration is all about stewardship and accountability. \u2013 Loren Gjesdal” via=”no”]<\/p>\n

Church administration<\/a> is all about stewardship and accountability. Jesus taught these principles clearly. Forms, procedures, and reporting requirements can sometimes feel like an impediment to ministry, like unnecessary bureaucratic hurdles. But when designed well and implemented correctly, good church administration ensures that Jesus\u2019 Church is using His resources for His objectives.<\/p>\n


If you would like to learn more about establishing and implementing policies and procedures for good stewardship and accountability, in preparation for Jesus\u2019 examination, so you and your church may hear \u201cwell done\u201d (not a yawning matter at all!), then consider taking the Artios course LEA 331 Church Administration<\/em> this Early Spring term!<\/p>\n