{"id":26852,"date":"2021-03-03T04:00:34","date_gmt":"2021-03-03T11:00:34","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/baonline.cog7engage.net\/?p=26852"},"modified":"2023-08-29T11:29:01","modified_gmt":"2023-08-29T17:29:01","slug":"like-a-rock-a-classic-example-in-character-formation","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/baonline.cog7engage.net\/like-a-rock-a-classic-example-in-character-formation\/","title":{"rendered":"Like a Rock: A Classic Example in Character Formation"},"content":{"rendered":"
Jesus had twelve disciples<\/a>, but among them, was an inner circle of three made up of Peter, James, and John.<\/p>\n They\u2019re rightly regarded as such because of their unique role in Jesus\u2019 ministry. They walked closest to Him, were given front row seats on important occasions, and exuded a unique passion for advancing the agenda of the kingdom<\/a>, so much so that they were nicknamed \u201cSons of Thunder\u201d (Mark 3:16).<\/p>\n But among them, Peter stood out even more. The first disciple Jesus called, along with his brother Andrew, first seen casting their net by the Sea of Galilee (Matthew 4:18), Peter quickly earned a unique place among the disciples.<\/p>\n Mark\u2019s side comment\u2014\u201cSimon, to whom He gave the name Peter\u201d (3:16)\u2014introduces us to Jesus\u2019 focused attention on this disciple and the heart-shaping process which resulted.<\/p>\n His given name was Simon, but Jesus chose to call him Peter as a sort of nickname. \u201cPeter,\u201d from \u201cPetros\u201d in the Greek, means \u201crock or stone,\u201d a name choice which reflects Jesus\u2019 vision for what this disciple would later become.<\/p>\n At that point he was brash, hot tempered, and suffering from a seemingly incurable case of \u201cfoot in mouth\u201d disease. To use the familiar summation of Peter\u2019s troubles, he was too quick to speak, too tired to pray, and too stubborn to learn.<\/p>\n For example, greatly impressed by the Lord\u2019s glory on the Mount of Transfiguration, Peter blurted out the suggestion that they stay there permanently (Mark 9:5), prompting Mark\u2019s editorial comment that he said this because he didn\u2019t know what to say (verse 6).<\/p>\n Then when Jesus warned the group of His pending crucifixion, Peter took Him aside and rebuked Him, insisting that this wasn\u2019t part of the plan and that if needs be, he would die in Jesus\u2019 place (Matthew 16:21-23). What words of valor from one who would soon deny even knowing Jesus.<\/p>\n And how about that unforgettable scene (in John 18:10) in which the impetus, Peter drew his sword and cut off the ear of the high priest\u2019s servant!<\/p>\n One wonders why Peter had a sword in the first place, and if his real aim was the middle of the guy\u2019s head. What\u2019s clear is Jesus\u2019 frustration with Peter as he told him to put his sword away (verse 11). Miraculously restoring the servant\u2019s ear (Luke 22:50-51) means that the last thing Jesus did before going to the cross was to clean up the mess Peter made!<\/p>\n [bctt tweet=”…the last thing Jesus did before going to the cross was to clean up the mess Peter made! – Whaid Rose” via=”no”]<\/p>\n This speaks to the nature of discipleship and character-formation. It is messy work, and no New Testament character experienced it at the hands of Jesus to the degree to which Peter did.<\/p>\n And it wasn\u2019t long until his vow to defend Jesus to the point of death came apart under the weight of the events leading up to the crucifixion. On three separate occasions, when push came to shove, Peter denied the Lord (Mark 14:70, Luke 8:45, John 18:25), which led to a deep sense of failure and bitter tears: \u201cAnd Peter remembered the word of Jesus who had said to him, \u2018Before the rooster crows, you will deny me three times.\u2019 So he went out and wept bitterly\u201d<\/em> (Matthew 26:75).<\/p>\n How heartwarming then that when Jesus emerged from the judgement hall He immediately scanned the crowd in search of Peter (Luke 22:61). He spotted him, and one can only imagine what Jesus\u2019 gaze must have meant to this broken-hearted disciple. It was a look of love and compassion, affirming that his failure was by no means final.<\/p>\n We see this focus on Peter again when the resurrected Christ appeared to Mary as she stood weeping among the tombs (Mark 16:6-7). By singling out Peter in His commission to Mary\u2014\u201cGo tell my disciples, and Peter\u201d\u2014Jesus once again reaffirmed His affection for Peter.<\/p>\n But the scene that tops them all is recorded in John 21. Apparently, after the dust settled, Peter announced to the group that he was going fishing. The security and provision which came with following Jesus was now gone, so Peter figured he might as well return to his old trade (see John 21:1-3). It made sense to the others, so off they went.<\/p>\n But Jesus hadn\u2019t forgotten them, so the following morning as they dragged their empty nets back to shore, He showed up, caused a miraculous catch of fish, and then served them breakfast (verse 4-14).<\/p>\n Then, beginning in verse 15, Jesus zoomed in on Peter with the penetrating question: \u201cDo you love me more than these?\u201d Whether \u201cthese\u201d refer to the other disciples or the large catch of fish, the application is the same. Discipleship involves being confronted with the fact of our ego and our contradictions.<\/p>\n Peter\u2019s casual response suggests that he doesn\u2019t get it, so Jesus repeats the question two more times with emphasis (see verses 16-17). And it is here that the dam really breaks in Peter\u2019s heart: \u201cPeter was grieved because He said to him the third time, \u201cDo you love Me?\u201d And he said to Him, \u201cLord, You know all things; You know that I love You.\u201d<\/p>\n More than mere shame and embarrassment over denying Jesus, this is the grief of a disciple at the end of himself.<\/p>\n It\u2019s been said that God gives us an average of 80 years to make a fast track through life, with the goal that somewhere along the way we will come to the end of ourselves, die to our pride, and quit trusting in our own righteousness.<\/p>\n This is where Peter finds himself. His response, \u201cLord, you know all things,\u201d is his way of saying, \u201cJesus, you know exactly what I said before\u2014with my impulsive self and big mouth going a mile a minute\u2014and you saw how I blew it when the time came; what do you want me to say now? Surely, you see how fragile a person I am!\u201d<\/p>\n Jesus was fully aware of Peter\u2019s fragility, but He saw way beyond it. That\u2019s why He named him \u201cRock,\u201d and that\u2019s what He was getting at in Matthew 16:16-18 when He told Peter He would build His church on the boulder-size confession he\u2019d just made.<\/p>\n So with that in mind, consider the words Jesus lovingly spoke into Peter\u2019s heart on the sea shore that morning. His thrice repeated question to Peter was followed by the commission, \u201cFeed my sheep,\u201d affirming the major role Peter would play in nurturing believers<\/a> in the early church.<\/p>\n So not surprisingly, who rose to the occasion when the church was birthed at Pentecost, boldly delivering the very first sermon preached in the New Testament, resulting in the harvest of 3000 souls (Acts 2)?<\/p>\n Who was first to preach the gospel to the Gentiles (Acts 10)? And who, like a rock, fortified the early church, eventually dying a martyr (as Jesus predicted in John 21:18-19)? Tradition says he died in Rome, crucified up-side down at his request, considering himself unworthy to die in the same position in which Jesus did.<\/p>\n Peter, obviously! And all that to say that the real significance of Peter\u2019s life and ministry can hardly be overestimated. In rejecting what Catholicism has made of this, we need not reject the significance of Peter\u2019s role in laying the foundation of the New Testament church. Not only did he give us a portion of God\u2019s written Word (the Epistles of 1 and 2 Peter), he modeled submission<\/a> to the discipleship process.<\/p>\n More could be said about the process; this is meant to provide only a broad overview, to remind us of the transformation that is possible even in a badly broken life when Jesus gets a hold of it. Peter is highlighted because his story is a classic illustration of this truth.<\/p>\n But it all boils down to what Michelangelo said in response to a question about how he sculpted the iconic Statue of David. He explained that he simply took a large slab of marble and kept chipping away at whatever didn\u2019t look like David!<\/p>\n That\u2019s what Jesus did in Peter\u2019s life. He just kept chipping away at whatever didn\u2019t resemble what He envisioned. And the end result was a re-shaped disciple, every bit the opposite of what he was when Jesus first met him, firm like a rock!<\/p>\n [bctt tweet=”He just kept chipping away at whatever didn\u2019t resemble what He envisioned. – Whaid Rose” via=”no”]<\/p>\n Jesus chipped away at Peter to make a re-shaped disciple, every bit the opposite of what he was when Jesus first met him, firm like a rock!<\/p>\n","protected":false},"author":641,"featured_media":26861,"comment_status":"closed","ping_status":"open","sticky":false,"template":"","format":"standard","meta":{"sync_status":"","episode_type":"","audio_file":"","castos_file_data":"","podmotor_file_id":"","cover_image":"","cover_image_id":"","duration":"","filesize":"","filesize_raw":"","date_recorded":"","explicit":"","block":"","footnotes":""},"categories":[560,70],"tags":[215,1669,111,1670,131,137,1668,789,600],"yoast_head":"\nPurpose of Naming Simon “Peter”<\/h3>\n
Peter’s Bloopers<\/h3>\n
Experiencing Character Formation<\/h3>\n
What Were the Disciples to Do?<\/h3>\n
Peter Didn’t “Get” What Jesus Was Asking<\/h3>\n
“Lord, you know all things”<\/h3>\n
Peter, a Changed Man<\/h3>\n
Transformation is Possible!<\/h3>\n