{"id":2414,"date":"2017-12-18T04:00:40","date_gmt":"2017-12-18T04:00:40","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/equipmagazine.org\/?p=2414"},"modified":"2023-08-29T11:22:14","modified_gmt":"2023-08-29T17:22:14","slug":"secrets-parents-sanity","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/baonline.cog7engage.net\/secrets-parents-sanity\/","title":{"rendered":"Jesus’ Secrets to Saving Parents’ Sanity"},"content":{"rendered":"

Being a parent is intimidating. It isn’t just the funhouse of potty-training, bedtime (why won\u2019t they sleep?!), sibling squabbles, schoolwork, table manners, and housework that threaten my sanity…it’s the knowledge that I have to navigate this maze of mirrors while\u00a0actually teaching them things<\/em>. Important things.<\/p>\n

I have to teach\u00a0them, these four daughters of mine, not just to master basic life skills, but to follow Jesus without my daily coaching. Oh, and keep them alive.<\/p>\n

That’s a lot of pressure.<\/p>\n

Pressure I could easily crack under.<\/p>\n

Of course, my newsfeed and Google are always faithfully standing by ready to identify all that I am doing wrong, how I can do it better, and the multitude of ways in which I am depriving my children of health and happiness.<\/p>\n

In the midst of this whirlwind of information (and mis-information), it is easy to lose sight of the fact that the One who held the knowledge of the world in His fingerprints faced a very similar situation.<\/p>\n

Jesus’ famed 12 disciples? They were most likely teenage boys between the ages of 14 and 21.\u00a0There are written records of their maturity issues.<\/p>\n

And Jesus had just three years to prepare them for a massive mission.<\/p>\n

But did He\u00a0ever come close to losing His cool let alone his sanity? No!<\/p>\n

So what were Jesus’\u00a0secrets, and how can they save our<\/em> sanity as parents?<\/p>\n

Let\u2019s begin with…<\/p>\n

1. The Sanity of Jesus’ Message<\/h3>\n

Modern Christendom has a tendency to reduce the gospel \u2013 Jesus\u2019 good news \u2013 to \u201cbelieve [in Jesus] and receive [eternal life]\u201d and then spin off a thousand dizzying Christian principles for living.<\/p>\n

However, the cohesive theme in Jesus\u2019 teaching was of the \u201cgood news of the Kingdom of God\u201d.<\/p>\n

\u2018Kingdom\u2019 (Greek: basileia<\/em>) refers to two things: the realm<\/em> and the rule<\/em> of a King.<\/p>\n

Realm<\/em> refers to the ownership of the world. The world is God\u2019s<\/em> realm.[ref]Psalm 89:11 proclaims, \u201cThe heavens are yours, and yours also the earth; you founded the world and all that is in it\u201d (NIV).[\/ref] It is not<\/em> Satan\u2019s realm. Satan does not own<\/em> creation. God does. This is God\u2019s world. As my children chant with me, \u201cThe Lord our God is the greatest King. He\u2019s the Creator of everything.\u201d<\/p>\n

[bctt tweet=”If we aren’t yielding to God’s rule, we’re trying to rule ourselves. – Amber Riggs”]<\/p>\n

The battle between the Kingdom of God and the kingdom of Satan occurs in the area of ruling<\/em>. While Satan does not own the realm, he does have the power to rule \u201cin the hearts of the people and in the life of the world\u201d through those whom he rules.[ref]Webber, Ancient-Future Faith (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Publishing, 1999)<\/em>,\u00a0p. 54[\/ref] If we aren’t yielding to God’s rule, we are trying to rule ourselves. Our very imperfect selves. And our self-rule leaves us incredibly vulnerable to being manipulated and ruled by Satan.<\/p>\n

When Jesus proclaimed His Kingdom, He was calling people to turn the rule of every area of their lives over to God. He was saying, \u201cThe ruler of the universe has come to rule in your life. Turn away from other demands for ownership of your life. Enter into my reign. Let me rule in the life of the world through my rule in you.”[ref]Ibid[\/ref]<\/p>\n

The gospel invitation<\/em><\/h3>\n

This is the gospel invitation to you and me\u00a0and on down to even our youngest children: will you let Jesus be your King? Will you let Jesus teach you the ways of His Kingdom in every area of your life?<\/p>\n

We need look no further than Jesus\u2019 teachings and the prophets\u2019 descriptions of Jesus\u2019 Millennial Reign to see a vivid vision of a life free from the influence of Satan: joy, peace, holiness, justice, knowledge, healing, freedom from oppression, the Holy Spirit poured out. Sanity.\u00a0How can we not want this?<\/em><\/p>\n

While we know that we must presently suffer for the Kingdom[ref]II Thess. 2:5[\/ref], Jesus taught His disciples that through His perfect sacrifice, we could be free of sin and the oppression of Satan to live in such a way that we\u00a0would be living, breathing pictures\u00a0of God\u2019s future kingdom.<\/p>\n

The Kingdom of God<\/a> is a gift\u00a0to all of us.<\/p>\n

It’s a sanity saver because it means that I\u2014and my home\u2014don’t have to be ruled by my own shortcomings,\u00a0my own weaknesses, my own chaos. Because of Jesus’ grace, I can be ruled by His wisdom and His Spirit instead. His peace<\/em>.<\/p>\n

The next time you catch yourself becoming overwhelmed\u2014which for me, will probably be about 5 minutes from now\u2014take a step back, breathe, and reaffirm Jesus as King over every part of your life.<\/p>\n

It’s no surprise that\u00a0there is a direct correlation between Jesus’ message and…<\/p>\n

2. The Sanity of Jesus\u2019 Methodology<\/h3>\n

As a rabbi, Jesus can empathize with mothers of children who are constantly at our heels asking questions. It is a key feature central to both vocations.<\/p>\n

While Jesus held formal teaching sessions with His students, much of what we observe in the gospels shows Him as a living, breathing manifestation of\u00a0His Kingdom:<\/p>\n